Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Huh, I Guess He Really Does Exist...

Monday 06/05/17

And here I thought Rosco P. Coltrane was just a fictional character from that old show. 
I really should apologize to the creators of and the actors who portrayed the character over the years.  But, really, tell me you don't see the parallels.  Now tell me with a straight face.

So, Unless you have been living under a rock, or in a cave with crappy wi-fi, for the last little while, you know all about the bombing in Manchester, England that killed 22 and injured a crapload more last month.  Now, looking back, one might think that it was a terrorist bombing carried out in the name of ISIS, you know, because they claimed responsibility for it.  If you though so, don't worry, I thought that same thing.  Thank your deity-of-choice that this man is here to set us straight!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the savior of common sense.  I give you Sheriff  Tracy Murphree of Denton County, Texas.  Clearly a paragon of intellect!  I actually typed that with a straight face.  I am so proud, and nauseated.

Sheriff Murphree took to facebook and posted his sage wisdom.  In the interest of brevity (yes, I know that ship has sailed) and to avoid the crippling depression that comes with knowing that people like this exist, I will not be reposting his entire post.  Hopefully the depression will be slightly less crippling that way.  Well, I can always hope.

So, anyway, this guy took to facebook to enlighten us all.  Apparently, ISIS was not responsible for the bombing at all.  England was.  I know, I was shocked too.  But apparently (in the man's own words): “This is what happens when you disarm your citizens.  When you open your borders without the proper vetting. When you allow political correctness to dictate how you respond to an enemy that wants to kill you.”

And now you know.  Refreshing isn't it?  England did it by not letting people have guns and trying not to offend people.  Oh, and let's not forget letting those foreigners in.  The bombing simply would not have happened if England had a better vetting process.  They would have been able to keep terrorist out in the first place.  You know, like the guy who carried the actual bomb.  Guys like him, guys who were born there.  Wait, what? 

Yuppers, this guy was born in England.  True it looks the guy had some terrorist training outside the country.  So then the solution is simple don't let anyone who leaves the country back in.  Problem solved.  You are welcome.

While I am one who believes that in some cases political correctness has gone overboard, I don't think it allows people to blow things up any easier.  I am pretty sure the guy would have done it even if people were not politically correct around him.  I realize that he was talking about the reluctance to use the term "Islamic Terrorist".  I do understand the reluctance to use the term.  We, as a species, are a very all or nothing people.  You bandy about a label like that and many, not all to be sure but many, will latch onto it and reduce it down to the easiest and, more often than not, most inane form.  In this case that would be deciding that since this nozzle was ostensibly a "Muslim" and a "Terrorist", all Muslims must be terrorists!  After all, terrorists are hard to find, its kinda their thing, but Muslims on the other hand, find a  mosque and you have found a whole bunch of them.
Hey, it is easier than actually think for yourself, right?

In the rest of his post he seems to make it clear, at least to my mind (stop laughing, I have one...-ish), that when he refers to a certain ideology,  he is referring to Islam, not terrorists.  In the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" the operative word there is "terrorism", not "Islamic".

One thing that I find hilarious (yes, I sometimes have a dark sense of humor, but only on days that end in "y") Is that he refer to "A ideology that treats women as property, kills gays and women and Christians [sic] with complete impunity."  Does that sound familiar to anyone?  If you said "Damn near every religion that ever existed" Well done. I find it interesting that he mentions "killing gays" in his post considering he said that he would send a trans woman who tried to use the same restroom as his daughter to the hospital.  I, of course,  realize that there is a great difference between a gay person and a trans person but do you really think that someone with his apparent mindset worries about those types of distinctions?  Hey, maybe I am wrong and he does make that distinction but whether or not he does or not that doesn't make it okay to beat up trans-folk or anyone for that matter.  It is especial egregious when it is a representative of the law saying these things.  And just to make things extra depressing, keep in mind, sheriff is an elected position.  Yay, humans (heavy sigh).

As far as guns go, I am actually in favor of gun ownership but in this case I am pretty sure it wouldn't have helped.  I am not a "gun guy" but I have yet to hear about a gun that generates a magical explosion-proof force field.  If you know of one, by all means, let me know.

I would really love to say that this guy is an isolated situation but we all know that is not the case.  We have all met these people and we continue to do so and they will continuously and inexplicably end up in public office.  If you are looking for a reason, the reason is simple.  It is so much easier to listen to the crowd and just go along and there are mechanisms in place to help us along with that attitude. 

I would like to say good on Ariana Grande for putting on a benefit concert in the city so quickly.  I know nothing about her but good on her none the less.

Rant Over... for now

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