Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well, Of Course, That Makes Perfect Sense... Oh, Wait

I was walking through a parking lot the other day when I passed a car with a bumper sticker on it. It was a white back ground with bright red letters on it which said: "PRO-LIFE, God's only choice!" I had to back up and make sure I read that correctly. Sadly, I did.

"PRO-LIFE: God's only choice" Now, maybe it's just me, but I fail to see the logic in this statement. If this statement were true and god's only choice was pro-life, one has to wonder: Why does he keep killing everything? Everything that has ever been alive dies, every thing that is alive will die. Flora and fauna both, everything eventually shuffles off this mortal coil. So where does the pro-life bit come in?

Now some might say: "Well, that sticker only refers to the abortion issue. God want's unborn babies to live."

Again the question is: why does he keep killing them? That's right friends and neighbors, god kills babies too! Still-birth anyone? How about S.I.D.S.? What about the myriad other things that kill babies everyday? Everything from car accidents to infanticide, babies die just like the rest of us. Now you might say that the sticker was only referring to unborn babies. Okay, fine, explain miscarriages to me.

Some might answer that things like that are simply "God's will" and he works in mysterious ways that we can't possible understand. Well, that is a wee bit convenient isn't it? Although, it does prove my point. If all those things are "God's will" then it seems that god's will is to kill babies. If you want to go with the idea that god works in mysterious ways that we can't possibly understand, isn't it possible that god is working through the doctors that perform these abortions? After all, if you believe the statement printed on the bumper sticker, chances are you also believe that god created the doctors as well. Couldn't god be working the plan through these doctors that he created?

"God doesn't work that way." these people usually say. Wait, didn't you just say that human's couldn't possibly understand? If you claim to know absolutely what god would or would not do, aren't you claiming to know the mind of god and thereby, his divine plan? I thought we were incapable of doing that.

As George Carlin pointed out, these people who are pro-life would think nothing of getting chemo therapy if they one day developed cancer. Tumors, strictly speaking, are alive. There is the argument that the tumor is a part of the body and the body survives so it is not really killing. Okay, how about bugs? Ever kill one of those? Ever cut down a tree? Eat a steak? Write on paper using a pencil? All these things involve the killing of life in one form or another.

Isn't it lovely how we get to pick and choose what is and isn't immoral depending on what's convenient for us?

Rant Over....for now