Sunday, November 11, 2007

Words, Intolorance and other Picture Postcards

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Some time ago I was speaking to a young lady through an IM program. No really, stop laughing. Ok, at least her profile online said she was a lady but who can say for sure. Anyway, we had spoken a few times and I was under the impression that we were getting on well. That's why it took me completely by surprise when she took issue with something I said.

Now normally it doesn't really surprise me when someone takes issue with something I say. I have a lot of opinions and love discussing them with all kinds of people whether they agree with me or not. Sometimes I change their minds sometimes they change mine, sometimes we just have a good discussion.

Unfortunately, it has been my experience that reasoned debate is a dying art at best where most people substitute their various prejudices and irrational emotional knee jerk reactions for logic. Think about it. When was the last time you witnessed anyone debate ideas using objective verifiable logic rather that invoking subjective emotional poorly thought out reactions? When was the last time you saw a debate where the participants could point out the actual logic they used to reach a conclusion? When was the last time someone had a reason for believing something other than "because"? Been a while, huh? Me too

Even so, the average human reacts to having one's opinion challenged with hostility and more often than not unjustified arrogance. And I can understand that in a way. It goes back to basic instinct that people haven't generally bothered to overcome. Any challenge is a danger to the organism and as an extension of that, the species.

That having been said, what she took issue with was not an issue or concept that I put forth for debate. It was with a single word. Not even the context in which word was used, but the word itself. Truth be told, it was not even a full word but a casual abbreviation. What was the word?

A little background on me first:

If I dislike you it is because I dislike your actions, not some random arrangement of chromosomes that you had nothing to do with. If I think you stupid, again, it is because of some action or tendency that I have observed, not the aforementioned arrangement of chromosomes. If I dislike you it is because of you or my mistaken concept of you, nothing random to it.

Second, I am from the south. There is a lot of prejudice that against southerners. The south is just like any area of the world that is inhabited by the human race. We have an over-abundance of the profoundly stupid. As I say, this condition is not unique to any one region. What is unique to each area is a manner or style of speech. In my particular case, I have never really had a strong accent save when I am upset or very tried. What I do have is the habit of addressing people with terms of endearment especially, but not exclusively, when addressing females.

This is not due to some belief that women are inferior in some way, it is simply a pattern of speech I have picked up over the years. I also have a great affection for women as I tend, in general, to get along with them easier.

My particular verbal crime with this young lady was addressing her as "hon". As I said, I address most women in this fashion or some variation there of. On occasion, for whatever reason, a lady will ask me not to because it makes them uncomfortable or they just don't like it. This is fine, in those cases I apologize, explain it is a habit and assure them that in the future I will try to remember not to address them as such.

The thing that got to me in this case was when I did just that she told me that it was a bad habit and the word is derogatory no matter how I intended it. This struck me as both close-minded and poorly thought-out. This was someone who wanted to be "right" whether or not she was actually correct.

I again tried to explain that I meant no disrespect she informed me that it was the word itself that was disrespectful and that I was disrespectful for using it. I reminded her that English was a living language and as such, while there were general meanings for words, there were also contextual ones. As example I pointed out that I frequently refer to my friends as "fucker" with no disrespect intended or taken. Her response was that I was still being disrespectful and the conversation abruptly stopped and I have yet to hear from her since.

If this was an isolated incident I wouldn't have felt the need to write a long-winded blog about it but sadly it is not. I lost a few potential friends due to using the "wrong" words. People tend to cling the our various prejudices with a vice-like grip that protects us from having to think for ourselves.

Hopefully one day, we, as a species, will overcome this tendency. It served us well when we were learning to stand erect but it has outlived it's usefulness long ago. And to all my friends, yes, I do have one or two, you are still all fuckers.

Rant over... for now

Land of the Free?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Go and watch this video. It is important that we all see it.:

All the "patriotic" bumper stickers and little yellow magnetic ribbons mean less than nothing when our government is allowed to behave in this manner. When a man is singled out and assaulted by government forces for wearing a button with an unpopular sentiment and a sitting president who allowed the death of over three thousand citizens through gross incompetence (see the transcript of Rice's testimony to the 9-11 commission for the specifics) is allowed to remain in power one has to wonder about the direction we are heading. Is this still the same nation who's blueprint was laid on that parchment so long ago? And what about that parchment? Isn't there something on there about freedom of expression? And aren't our police and military sworn to uphold and defend the ideals expressed therein?

I realize that the country has changed, in a fundamental way. Hell, when one can be arrested and locked away with out charges, when Habius Corpus is effectively dead, where folks like Roberto "It's not torture when we do it" Gonzales are aloud to walk free, something is rotten in the state of Denmark. What are we fighting for when dissenting opinion and debate, something this country was founded on, is deemed unpatriotic? What have we become when we are constantly monitored and you are not allowed to know for what crime the "authorities" are dragging you away for? That whirring noise you hear is the founding fathers and all who have fought and died for this country spinning in their graves.

I love America, I just haven't seen her around in a while. I admit, things have not gotten that bad, yet. There are other countries far worse and we are only seeing the very beginnings of the police state. But, how long will we wait? How much will we let them take before someone stands ups and says, "Hey, this isn't right!"? How long will you wait? How long will I?

I am not talking violence. Violence in most cases begets only more violence. The system has to be changed from within. There is a popular saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don't think this is true. I am more in line with the assertion made by Frank Herbert that power attracts the corrupted and corruptible. These people were bad before the got anywhere near the system and yet they got in anyway. Let's face it folks, we failed, you and I.

The question remains: "What shall we do now?". Only time will tell. I will leave you with two thoughts:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Benjamin Franklin

How much are you willing to give up?

Enter Race Card, Exit Rational Thought

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A trailer has been released for the new Resident Evil game that has more than a few people pissed off. Her is the link if you are interested:

Apparently this one seems to take place in Africa. Can you guess what the problem is, yet? I'll give you another hint, the protagonist is a white guy. Anyone got it yet?

Now from what I gather from the movies, articles and watching folks play these games (I honestly have never played any of the Resident Evil games because I am too big of a wus) is that in the game, you are trying to deal with the aftermath of the release of a virus that creates zombies as well as an evil shadow corporation that keeps popping out new and improved monsters. The point is that you are killing zombies throughout the whole thing. It is classified as a "survival horror" game much like Silent Hill and the like.

Now, logically, if one were to release a virus that created zombies into a rural region of Africa, what kind of people would you expect to become said zombies? If you said folks with a large concentration of melanin in their skin, go to the head of the class. It wouldn't make just a whole lot of sense to have the majority of zombies be pasty European descendants now would it?

Despite the logic of the situation, a lot of folks have been up in arms saying that the game is preaching hate against black folks and that it is ok for white folks to shoot black folks. This is profoundly stupid.

For my own part, let me just say this: If you are ever infected by a virus that turns you into a flesh-eating zombie intent on devouring alive, I will shoot you. I do not care what the melanin level in your skin is. I do not want to be disemboweled. Admittedly, I am quirky that way.

This trailer is not a racist statement, at least not against black folks. It is a racist statement against zombies. It is suggesting that all zombies are flesh-eating monstrosities. Is this true? I have no idea as I am usually too busy running away and screaming like a little girl. Maybe that is just my prejudice.

Now so far, most of the zombies in the game have been white as that was the population that the virus was released into. And, wait a minute, the company that makes the game is a Japanese one. Does that mean asian people hate white people? Have the previous four games been racist statements against white folks? Where is the outrage? Where is the righteous indignation. See how silly that sounds?

There is racism in the world. There is prejudice and bigotry. It comes from all corners and is directed at all kinds of different people. Calling something like this racist just makes if more difficult when someone tries to point out actual racism. You cry wolf enough, no one is going to care when the real wolf is at the door.

On the other hand, who am I to say? After all, knee-jerk reactions ARE much easier that actually thinking in a rational manor. Besides, it's not like anything bad has ever happened from people acting on knee-jerk reactions, right? Right? Hello?

Rant Over... for now

WTF?!?! What Country Are We In Again?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Read this! It is very important as well as scary:

I am incredibly tired of this penchant we seem to have for icon worship. It is ridiculously juvenile behavior that serves no real purpose other than to stand in the way of our advancement as a species. In this country our main source of iconic masturbation, other than religious of course, is the American flag.

Ladies and gentlemen, please take note of this fact: THE FLAG IS JUST A PIECE OF CLOTH, IT IS THE IDEALS THAT IT EMBODIES THAT IS IMPORTANT!!!

Did everyone get that? I'll say it again for those hard of reading: THE FLAG IS JUST A PIECE OF CLOTH, IT IS THE IDEALS THAT IT EMBODIES THAT IS IMPORTANT!!!

That's right, folks, it's just a symbol. Symbols are important, not just to our country, but to our collective psyche as an entire species. It is how we communicate, it is even how we think. What are words but verbal symbols for otherwise abstract concepts? The flag, or any other larger symbol, simply express more ideas at once.

The problem comes when our symbols become more important that the ideas and ideals that they are supposed to symbolize. When we are completely willing to violate someone's civil right for "desecrating" a symbol of freedom, what are we then? Does that symbol still mean freedom? How can it? How can it mean freedom when you can get arrested for expressing an unpopular idea? And we are not talking about threatening someone or yelling fire in a crowded theater, we are talking about expressing a political idea, or, in this case, a sense of frustration and helplessness.

The knee-jerk reaction in most situations like this among most people is anger. This is incredibly stupid. Now, admittedly, there are some wastes of carbon out there that do this just for shock value having no reason beyond that. This is equally stupid. In extreme cases, violence ensues. Please explain the logic of this to me. I am afraid it completely escapes me. All that does is reinforce the frustrating or anger that made them "desecrate" the flag in the first place.

Now call me strange, but the freedom and community that the flag represent is far more important than a piece of cloth that was, in most cases, not even made in this country. I have an American flag hanging on my wall, it was made in Taiwan. That being the case, it still symbolizes, to me, a lot of very wonderful and worthwhile ideals. It symbolizes what this country, this species, could be. Because, let's face it, we have never lived up to the lofty ideals we set for ourselves. That doesn't mean that we should stop trying though.

The gut reaction is stupid for another reason as well. If someone is protesting something, they must have a reason for being upset. True, it's often a stupid reason, but a reason none the less. When your body sends you a signal that something is wrong, you don't damage the area further in the hopes that it will fall in line, you address the problem. How many people have we heard of who became sicker or even died because they ignored symptoms of a larger problem?

A word to my military friends out there (yes I have them) and those out there who have had friends and relatives serve and perhaps even die in service of the country. You did not sign up to defend the flag, your friends and relatives, they did not fight and die for the flag. You serve and they fought for the ideals behind that symbol. If I am incorrect and you did sign up to defend a piece of cloth and not the ideals behind it, for god's sake, don't breed!!! Let your idiocy die with you. If your friends and relatives died for a piece of cloth over the ideals, good. There are far too many stupid people out there anyway.

When the symbol becomes more important that the grand and lofty ideals that it was created to symbolize we are in trouble, folks. Guess what, we are in trouble.

Rant over... for now

...Because "Fatherland" Would Have Been Too Obvious

Monday, July 23, 2007

Go check this out, then come on back:,,2132099,00.html

Ok, first off, I do realize that I "Godwin"'ed myself before I even started but sometimes, the analogy is just appropriate. I don't know how things are in other countries but things here are getting a tight in here. More and more our rights seem to be falling by the wayside. Just recently the President signed an order that essentially guts the due process guaranteed in the 5th amendment. I mean, I understand that most of the "freedoms" we had before were merely illusionary at best but at least the effort was made. Now they are not even bothering with that. And the most distressing thing in all this is that most folks seem not to notice or care.

Now. in relation to the specific issues raised in the article, my suggestion: Make shit up! Whenever you are asked any questions in which the answers will be recorded in any way shape or form, make crap up. This also goes for my European friends out there as well. As we all should be well aware by now, any information written down and entered into a computer can eventually be accessed by people who have no business accessing said information in the first place.

And another tip, when you do make crap up, make it as outlandish as possible. If you are going to make shit up, at least make it interesting. Another added benefit of being outlandish is that later in life, when you try and run for public office in a, most likely, vain attempt to improve the state of the world you will be providing a great source of entertainment to the masses as your opponent attempts to fling mud in your direction by bringing up the fact that you once stated on some record or another that you were a devout worshiper of Spanky the flatulent hamster god of multiple orgasms. You will be both entertaining the public and introducing them to a whole new form of spirituality.

Another tip, be inconsistent, if possible within the same sentence. Also, never acknowledge you inconsistency. Always maintain that what you just said was completely consistent with the contradictory thing that you said just a few syllables ago. Incidentally, this flexibility with the definition of "consistency" will be an asset in your afore mentioned political career.

I hope I can count on your vote in 2012 when, during a debate, my opponent can be heard to say: "How can you elect a man who's belief system revolves around sex and the achievement and providing of multiple orgasms?!? It is against the moral fabric of this country!!" Then again, how could you not vote for me?

Rant over... for now

For those that are unaware, Godwin's Law states: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.