Thursday, March 15, 2007

Have You Seen Her?

Originally posted on 06/21/06

Read these. It's important:

Unfortunately these are not isolated incidents. Every day more and more of our freedoms are disappearing one by one in the name of national security. As much as I would like to lay this all at the feet of the Bush administration, this has been happening at a very slow rate for decades. The Bush administration just got an excuse to accelerate the process that it could sell to the American public. So now Big Brother is not only watching you, he's bending you over and making you his bitch! I love America; I just haven't seen her around in a while. Let me ask you this: Do you feel safer? I personally do not.

I like this famous quote by Benjamin Franklin:

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

What would he think about an America where the phrase "domestic spying policy" is used by people defending the practice of invading the privacy of the citizenry without judicial oversight? An America where the "patriot act" is considered a good idea by many? An America where the citizenry is so blind in it's coma-like sleep that we will send our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of to die and be maimed based on completely fabricated "intelligence"? Essentially, a lie!

It has been a long time since that lie was exposed and yet we march blindly ahead. The death toll for our people has reached over 2500. That is not counting the 18,490 wounded or the thousands of our "enemies" that have died. Where are we when attempts at honest frank discussion are viewed as unpatriotic?

When fear and suspicion of our own government dominates the land what are we then? America? Not the one I was taught about in school.

Rant over...for now

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