Sunday, November 11, 2007

Land of the Free?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Go and watch this video. It is important that we all see it.:

All the "patriotic" bumper stickers and little yellow magnetic ribbons mean less than nothing when our government is allowed to behave in this manner. When a man is singled out and assaulted by government forces for wearing a button with an unpopular sentiment and a sitting president who allowed the death of over three thousand citizens through gross incompetence (see the transcript of Rice's testimony to the 9-11 commission for the specifics) is allowed to remain in power one has to wonder about the direction we are heading. Is this still the same nation who's blueprint was laid on that parchment so long ago? And what about that parchment? Isn't there something on there about freedom of expression? And aren't our police and military sworn to uphold and defend the ideals expressed therein?

I realize that the country has changed, in a fundamental way. Hell, when one can be arrested and locked away with out charges, when Habius Corpus is effectively dead, where folks like Roberto "It's not torture when we do it" Gonzales are aloud to walk free, something is rotten in the state of Denmark. What are we fighting for when dissenting opinion and debate, something this country was founded on, is deemed unpatriotic? What have we become when we are constantly monitored and you are not allowed to know for what crime the "authorities" are dragging you away for? That whirring noise you hear is the founding fathers and all who have fought and died for this country spinning in their graves.

I love America, I just haven't seen her around in a while. I admit, things have not gotten that bad, yet. There are other countries far worse and we are only seeing the very beginnings of the police state. But, how long will we wait? How much will we let them take before someone stands ups and says, "Hey, this isn't right!"? How long will you wait? How long will I?

I am not talking violence. Violence in most cases begets only more violence. The system has to be changed from within. There is a popular saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don't think this is true. I am more in line with the assertion made by Frank Herbert that power attracts the corrupted and corruptible. These people were bad before the got anywhere near the system and yet they got in anyway. Let's face it folks, we failed, you and I.

The question remains: "What shall we do now?". Only time will tell. I will leave you with two thoughts:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Benjamin Franklin

How much are you willing to give up?

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