Friday, November 16, 2018

That is Just What They Want You to Think


We all know who the illuminati are.  They are the ones that created "New Coke" (because they hate us) and helped fake the moon landing to hide the fact that we landed on the moon.  See how insidious they are!  They are also the big bad that has shaped nations and started and stopped wars over the centuries.

Now, with those kind of things on their resume you would think they would be a pretty smart group of people and maybe they are, but it seems like they have lowered their standards for membership just a tad.

A South Carolina man recently filed a fraud complaint claiming he was scammed out of $2250.  Apparently that is the cost of membership which, if you think about it is quite reasonable.  $2250 to join a world spanning organization that has been controlling damn near everything since the 1700s?  Sounds legit to me.

But it gets better.  He didn't send them the money all at once.  He paid them $250 and only after that sent them the $2000.  I have to wonder how that conversation went:

"Yeeeeaaaaah, we just got the money and apparently the entry fee has been raised."
"Oh, by how much?"
"Um, $2000?"
"That's a lot of money!"
"True, but membership comes with this nifty keychain...  It's pine scented."

Now fortunately this guy came to his senses in time to cancel the transfer of the $2000.  So, "Yay, him!"  I would imagine he is just S.O.L. as far as the $250 goes.  The part that I keep coming back to though is that it was only after the second transfer that it started to seem fishy to him.

Now, as a point of interest, there actually was an Illuminati in Bavaria in the 1700.  It was started by a man named Adam Weishaupt.  It was, for lack of a better term, a think tank.  A think tank run by the reptilians and a small bowl of potato salad named Frederick.  Legend has it that Frederick is still there and is in charge of the yearly evil organization picnic and human sacrifice.  Ed in billing, however, is probably going to get fired over this one.

I would have loved to have been the cop that caught this case.  I would have listened very patiently nodding at the appropriate places and take notes.  Once the man was finished I would slide my notepad to the side, lean in close and, wearing my most serious face and in my most serious voice whisper to the man: "We know."  Sit up, grab my notepad and without another word, walk away.

Yeah, I probably wouldn't last very long as a cop.

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