Thursday, August 12, 2010

You Equal Treatment?!?! What the Hell is Wrong with You!

Some time ago there was a school in rural Mississippi that, rather than allow a lesbian couple to attend their prom. It is so nice to see good old fashion values still mean something and we, as a people, can extend the hand of tolerance to all people. Oh, wait! That isn't what happened here at all. Instead bigotry won the day! Now, this makes me especially proud for two reasons: not only did this happen in my home state, it happened in a town that I went to college in!

One of the things that gets me about this one is not the unapologetic bigotry, it is the not so subtle psychology at work here.

Everyone who remembers high school, raise your hand. Ok, everyone who blocked out high school, raise your hand. We all know that high school is one of the most socially difficult places on earth, unless, of course you were one of the popular kids. Even then there is the pressure of having to find ways to remain popular. Add to that "normal" pressure the unbridled joy of the student body being pissed at you for causeing the entire prom to be scrapped. Now that is class.

Although, the school did have another reason, that rallying cry of morons the world over: "For the Children!"

How does that come into play here you may ask? Simple we must prevent the children from catching "the gay". Now I know some of you might be saying that that is ridiculous. That's just what they want you to think. It is a little known and less spoken about fact that homosexuals emit a low level radiation that corrupts the biology of nearby heterosexuals. Now normally, with a single homosexual, the human body can fight off the effects. But add another homosexual to the mix, especially if they are having sex on a regular basis, and the body's defenses can become overwhelmed. Add to that a large number of people in a confined space and you have a recipe for a massive outbreak of "the gay". Think of the horror of the outbreak of tolerance that might follow! Think of it, people walking around feeling comfortable with themselves and feeling free to express their feelings in an open and honest way! *shutter* We just cannot have that! Back in the closet, you!

How did this young lady deal with this? Welcome to America, land of the litigious! She sued, of course. And what's better, she won:

"U.S. District Judge Glen H. Davidson refused to make school officials hold the prom, but he said in a March 23 ruling that the district had violated McMillen's rights."

Ok, boo on the prom thing but yay on the upholding civil rights! The greatest part of all this is that the school that basically said that she was such a bad person that they had to cancel the prom for everybody, is now sending her to college. She stated that she intends to use the $35,000 she received from the case for college tuition!

Ya gotta love that!

For those who want it, here is the link to one of the stories written about this:

Rant Over... for now

On an unrelated note, can someone send me a copy of "The Gay Agenda"? I have been looking for a copy of this thing the pundits have been yammering about for years. For some reason the bookstores have stopped taking my calls.

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