Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We'll just file that under: "Duh!" then, shall we?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This morning I turned on my television set in the hopes perhaps viewing Barack Obama being sworn in as our forty-fourth president. After about an hour, the only swearing was coming from me and was directed at the "news" commentators.

Did you know that Barack Obama was a black man? If you attempted watch the inauguration, you did. You knew this fact because the commentators told you about it at least once every five minutes.

I have seen the television at some point during the last year. I have read a news article within the last year. I have driven down a residential street. I voted for the man! I am aware that he is black. I don't need you to tell me that every damn minute! Tell me something useful like what his foreign policy will be or what his domestic policy will be. Don’t waist valuable air time telling me something that I can ascertain in a fraction of a second by looking in the guy's general direction.

There are only two groups of people that seem to give a rat's ass how much melanin our new president has in his skin: Commentators and Racists.

If you didn't vote for Obama because he was black, you have committed a racist act.

If you DID vote for Obama because he is black, you have ALSO committed a racist act.

If race is what guides you in any way at all, you are a racist.

Race is a FALSE distinction anyway. When most people say race, what they mean is ethnicity. Either way, it is and should be a non-issue. You know, another way to distract us and keep us from taking a critical look at ourselves and the world around us.

Now, of course, these commentators didn't use the word "black". They used the grossly inaccurate term "African American". Now, granted with his Kenyan father and time spent there President Obama is much closer to being an "African-American" than most of the people the media and other morons like to slap that label on, he his still NOT an African-American. He is an American. If you really wanted to get technical, he is an American who is a Negro. For those of you who balk at the word "negro" let me just say that I don't particularly like the term "Caucasian" but is still the accurate nomenclature.

I just wonder when we as a people, and I include my entire species under that label, are going to pull our collective heads out of our asses and com to the realization that this is all just meaningless crap and get on with the business of improving ourselves!!!!

RANT OVER.....for now


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